Thursday 12 February 2015

5 Quick Tips For Concert Goers

+I love going to concerts! In fact, I just went to the One Direction concert last night and it was absolutely AMAZING as always :) So with that, I thought I would share some of my quick tips for
fellow concert goers, who just love to have a great time and enjoy the music :)

1. Dress Comfortably

In my opinion one of the most important tips for concert goers is to dress comfortably! Don't get me wrong, I love dressing up nicely for a concert, however it's important to be comfortable, especially if you're like myself and love to dance and sing your heart out at concerts. Therefore, I always like to wear a stylish, comfortable outfit with my go to accessory... a bold lip ;)

2. Drink Water

Like I said before, I love to belt out basically every song that is played at a concert, so drinking water is essential. Not only will it keep you hydrated, but it will keep your vocal chords refreshed and you will be dancing and singing all night long.

3. Don't Watch The Concert Through Your Phone/Camera

Every time I go to concert, I see so many people watching the concerts through their devices to ensure they get the 'perfect' video. I mean I'm not going to lie, sometimes I will record a song or two for some memorabilia, but I never record the entire concert or any more than one or two songs, because in reality, who really goes back and watches the concert videos you took yourself over and over again? To me, concerts are all about the experience and being in the moment, I love being able to enjoy myself and the music without having to hold my hand up in the air while making sure my phone is recording properly. So, my advice for everyone wanting to record the entire concert, don't. Just enjoy the atmosphere and the music, because you will always have the memories :)

4. Don't Annoy People With Your Signs

One of my pet hates when it comes to concerts is when the people in front of you hold up massive signs that completely block your view. I mean I don't have a problem with people bringing signs to concerts because the artists always seem to ask to see them at some point, however just leave it that. Don't wave your signs about all concert long, wait until the artist/s ask to see your signs and then put them up, apart from that you need to think of the people behind you and not be rude.

5. Have Fun!

Lastly, the most important tip for all concert goers is to HAVE FUN! In the end, it's all about having a good time because that's what you're there for. You're there to enjoy yourself and let loose. You're there to sing from the top of your lungs and dance around with your friends or those around you. You are there to enjoy the music and have fun :)


  1. I love going to concerts but completely agree about the videoing thing. I have never looked back at my 'memorabilia' footage and it is completely about the experience! But the worst part is the sore throat and arm ache the next day! haha I think I just get too into it at festivals and concerts!

    Eunice Caroline.

    1. Hahahhaha yeah I agree, my throat was so sore and I had an early flight in the morning so I was so tired! I get so into it too, a few little girls in front of me were giving me a few looks as if to say 'what is this girl doing' ahahahha but I love just going all out at concerts :)
